Sunday, December 12, 2010

Final Renders of Models

Whats up everyone just finished the final renders of all the models and pics in UDK. I used Zbrush, Crazybump, Photoshop for the texture maps. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Final Pics of UDK Level

So I finished my level with everything I could think of as far as landscape and stuff. For the most part I am pleased with what I got, I might add a few flowers or something but overall its done. So here are 4 pics, I hope you like.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

UDK WIP pics

So I am finally able to upload some pics of my level WIP. Most of the objects are imported in, now I got to add the textures and finish off the landscape. As of now I working on adding a lake and hopfully by tomorrow I will have the textures on my models. If things go smoothly I will be done Sunday and make final changes I see fit. Hope you like.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

UDK shoots

So, here are two pics of my terrain level for UDK. I havent put in the asstes/ models yet but I got the dome and terrain to my liking. Hopefully, I will have more post by tomorrow.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reference Sheets

I probably should have posted up my refernece sheets first but oh well here they are now. Once I get the lighting right I will post up my final renders. At the moment I working on some retextures of some of the models and eventually put the models with the textures into UDK and begins deisgning the level layout.